Sep 25, 2024
Spray Foam Insulation
When spray foam is applied correctly, it creates a strong barrier that stops air from escaping and keeps warm or cool air in. This reduces the amount of time your heater or air conditioner has to run, lowering your monthly energy bills. It also prevents moisture infiltration that can cause mold or mildew. This saves you money in the long run because you won’t have to use a dehumidifier as often to get rid of excess moisture.
It is important to work with a professional Traketon Insulation LLC who knows how to install this type of insulation correctly. They will be able to ensure that there is an adequate mix of polyol resin and isocyanate in the spray and that all application surfaces are cleaned thoroughly. They will also be able to monitor the spray as it expands and apply it evenly across all areas. This ensures a high R-Value and helps to prevent any product shrinkage that can occur.
The Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation with Traketon Insulation LLC
Some spray foam products may shrink, especially closed-cell foam. This can happen when equipment settings are incorrect, excessive pass thicknesses are used or when the product is old and expired. This is not a problem in most cases, but extensive shrinkage can cause cracks and gaps.
Spray foam insulation is a premium product that significantly reduces your heating and cooling costs by creating an air seal in homes and commercial buildings. It is ideal for new construction or a retrofit and can be used in attics, walls, crawl spaces, basements and rim joists.
Traketon Insulation LLC
Cheyenne, WY
(307) 941-0905